SLC Inversion

Here is a composite photo Trent Nelson and I did to illustrate the
pollution that was choking the Salt Lake valley the past 2 weeks due
to an inversion. I took the picture on the left on Sunday and Trent
took the pic on the right Wednesday afternoon after a winter storm
blew the pollution away. I think it was a good story-telling element that helped to illustrate how bad the inversion was.


  1. Parker says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    That’s slick. Reminds me of living outside of Denver…when my dad got death threats for commenting about the city’s pollution problem on national TV.


  3. Benny says:

    wow! does that happen often?

  4. Jeremy says:

    Great picture. I copied it and sent it around at work today with full credit to you and a link to your blog.

    Thank you!

  5. Jake says:

    This is what makes winter in SLC so miserable. It really has to change.

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