Eye Gouge

Here is a quick update from tonight’s BYU v Pepperdine basketball game.

Pepperdine’s Jason Walberg, #12, gouges the eyes of BYU’s Jonathan Tavernari, #45, during the game at the Marriott Center. No foul was called on the play. Although Tavernari missed the basket immediately following the eye gouge, he did not seem to be injured. Later in the game, he made back-to-back three-pointers along the right baseline, helping secure BYU’s lead. Tavernari finished the game with 10 points.


  1. Tully says:

    Dude, I saw this on APAD and it is incredible. For such a quick event in a tough situation, it’s a perfect frame. One of those you can’t really prep for. Great great great. It reminds me of the shot with the football player’s facemask being ripped back and his neck all contorted. wonderful.

  2. Chris Detrick says:

    Thanks man. ESPN and SI liked it too…keep an eye out for it in next week’s editions. Cheers.


  3. Anonymous says:

    That Pepperdine kid ought to be charged with assault for that shit.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Anonymous: That Pepperdine kid ought to be charged with assault for that shit.

    Nyah, that kind of things happen. I had my eylid ripped in a game last spring. This things happen when people move in fast pace. According to the text he wasn’t actually harmed, so I guess it wasn’t that hard a hit on the face.

  5. elnyka says:

    Yeah, but, was it intentional? If it was an accident, then fine. Shit happens.

    But if it was intentional, or at least done with complete disregard to the player’s safety, it would be a disgrace that such things cannot be prosecuted.

    Aggressive sports blocking/shoving =/= intentional/careless eyegouge

  6. tricky says:

    I think it was unintentional. He’s looking intently at the ball, not the guy’s face. I think it’d be hard to do a perfect eye gouge while trying to get the ball and not even looking.

  7. Alton G. Richardson says:

    Hey Chris-

    Saw this image in ESPN magazine. Excellent capture! Talk about being in focus at the right time!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations on the WPP Prize. This photo made me stop dead. I find your site when I was trying to research the background of the picture. Great shot!


  9. Anonymous says:

    I’m glad to find out that he was okay, because it looks horrible in the picture.

    Congrats on the WPP prize, this is certainly an amazing shot.

  10. Beter Javz says:

    I think this picture is amazing!! Congratulations for the World Press Prize, your photos are great. Hello from Mexico city.

  11. AnnaT says:


  12. schnuppi says:

    Saw this picture in a newspaper, I really thought his eyes were gouged out!

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