Sushi at Mikado

    Snow in June

    The Wasatch mountains were treated with six inches of snow today. I went up Little Cottonwood Canyon to make a feature of vacationers soaking in the hot tub at Snowbird. On the drive down the canyon, I stopped to make a couple of pictures of the foggy mountains.

      How much is that doggie in the window?

      Our dog Layla watches from her favorite spot in the front window.

        The Brewer’s Art

        While home in Pennsylvania, I got to catch up with friends Monica Lopassay (Baltimore Sun) and Matt Roth (Patuxent Publishing) in Baltimore. We hung out at the Brewer’s Art and had fun light painting with our cell phones while enjoying some delicious Belgian beer.

          At Home

          I spent some time with my parents and grandmother last month in Pennsylvania. My grandmother cooked a delicious dinner for my 25th birthday. I am also constantly amazed at how my parents sleep with three cats and a dog in their bed.

            Obama & Clinton

            Last month, I visited my parents in York, Pa., three days before the Pennsylvania primaries. As luck would have it, both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in the area doing some last minute campaigning. (Clinton spoke at a rally in York and Obama in Harrisburg) So naturally, I went to both events with my camera, talked my way into the press area, and made some pictures.

              Mowing the Lawn

                POYi ’08

                Here are a few pictures from the Pictures of the Year awards ceremony last month in Washington DC. As in previous years, it was great to hang out with other photographers from around the country as we spent a few days looking at great pictures.